Now I know what you're all thinking but I guess this one had to be learnt on our own.
In the past 20 something years of my life, I've heard many parents say they're kids would never do this or the parents would never do that and it always changes. Well, I guess it just takes one or two things in life to realize that everything is negotiable and every action (no matter how crazy it seems at the time) has its purpose.
Point #1- my sister n laws (which have blessed the family with 5 children already with another one on the way) did something so crazy after each child birth that I said we would never do....dehydrate their placenta and take it as a supplement. Now, you may have just read that and are thinking WTF, as I did, but this is actually something that a lot of women do. Here is a nice article is you want to know the logistics:
In case you didnt read it, the article basically states that taking the pills can help with the baby blues and post partum depression. I remember seeing that jar of little pills in the fridge on our visit to see Finleigh after the hospital and finding out the frightening details of how they came to be. I was completely grossed out. Thinking it was wacko and only belonged in some granola eating hippy commune, I let Trisha know that we would NEVER do that. Well, it only took about two hormonal encounters with my pregnant wife to make me do 180 on that decision. If there was anything we could do to keep my wife from being overly hormonal after birth, I was immediately on board. In fact, Trisha feels that they give her energy and she has no signs of the baby blues or depression. We call them her "happy pills". I was joking when getting into the fridge for some milk the other day and while noticing that the "prescription" was running low, I mentioned we needed to hit the hospital for another meaty placenta to dehydrate. We had a laugh and Trisha made it clear now THAT would be gross, but if anyone knows of a spare lying around......I'm just saying *wink
On to point #2. After 5 weeks of protecting our little baby from the outside world, we brought him out to LCU's Master Follies. Sure we could have left him home locked up in the closet but I really wanted to show him off.
What a little stud, right? Anyways, that's all it took to rip his little immune system to shreds and one week later, Trisha was hearing the term RSV pour out of our pediatrician's mouth. Now this was our first bout with anything but a perfectly happy and healthy baby. Poor little guy can hardly breathe and has the worst cough. Now we were told to grab an extra nose sucker bulb from the hospital because they were the best we'd be able get a hold of but it just wasn't doing the trick to clear out the massive amounts of goo in SJ's nose. Enter the NoseFrida.
Yes, that picture on the box details how you use this thing. It's basically a tube with one end in your mouth and the other in your kids snotty nose. Next step? Some deep sucking. The first time I saw this, I thought that it was totally disgusting and I would NEVER use one of these things. Well, after only 6 weeks of loving on this little nugget, I'm finding that there is probably nothing in the world that I wouldn't do to make him feel better. It was a little tough to figure out at first but I got the hang of it and boy o boy does this thing work. In about a quarter of the time, I can completely empty out his congestion and we can tell he instantly feels better. And the company has another product that at first glance looks absolutely insane but I have a feeling i'll be running to the store if the problem ever arises. Can you guess what it's for?

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