Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 2012, the calm before the storm

Ok. I admit it...I've been a super slacker in this whole blogging thing. Alas, I'm going to try and get up-to-date over the next week and then get back on track.

Trisha and I successfully finished our maternity class at the beginning of December. It was a grueling 5 weeks in which we made the trek up to Covenant each Tuesday night. We got to visit the labor floor, pre-register, and watch horrible videos on the process of child birth. Luckily, this also solidified Trisha's idea of wanting the drugs. Neither of us were interested in experiencing the moaning and groaning for hours of intense labor. I also earned my nifty "Coach" hat and a nifty certificate letting us know we were "ready" to become parents.

And then the waiting began. It seemed like the last 4 weeks of the pregnancy was the longest. The diapers were stacked, the nursery was finished and Trisha's poor swollen feet were growing bigger by the day. Patience isn't my best attribute and I was so ready to meet him. Even though we knew he wasn't due until January 7th, we were VERY ready for him to get here. Luckily, we convinced the doc to schedule one more sonogram at 37 weeks. He was so much chubbier than the last pictures and was projecting a weight of 6.5 lbs. Unfortunately, we never got any really good pictures of his face. Before, it was always his hand in the way and this time he decided to be sucking on his foot.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells!

After some cookie decorating and last minute shopping, we made it to Christmas. Now, you haven't truly experienced gift giving until you become part of the Tyler household. First, we started with the 5 little ones and they are (mostly) old enough to be excited about ripping into the presents. Three 50 gallon trash bags full of wrapping paper later....its the big kid's turn.

The presents keep coming and coming. It really is a grand event. Trisha's parents start shopping in the Spring and don't get finished until the day or so before Christmas. Santa also visited Trisha with a letter explaining that he was going to be visiting the Kirkpatrick household next year for a different person. But, because this was her last year, that he hoped she'd be happy with her present anyways.

Christmas was truly magical this year but Trisha and I both realized that this would be the last time we celebrated it for US. Next year, we would have a little one of our own to shower gifts on. Next year would be our first chance to start some long-lasting Kirkpatrick traditions of our own. 2013 is going to be the year that changes our lives forever.


Saturday, December 8, 2012